13 April 2009

Young Love #1: Belinda / James

If you were me, would you make the same joke that I did about his black eyes? Think about it for a second...if your answer is somewhere along the lines of "ohhhhhhh don't let your girl beat you like that..." or something equally inane, then you, too, are an old person: LIKE ME! I know this because he quickly exhaled "that's what every body's been saying!".... I am officially OUT THE LOOP...FREEZING COLD OUT ON THE STOOP...BANISHED TO THE POOP (DECK)!

My goodness I love these kids. They go to "City as High School," which is -- if it lives up to its name -- an amazing idea. By the same token, then, my high school should have been called "Uniformity as Desirable" or "Dickheads as Male Friends," or something...dunno...anyway, I have been seeing a lot of wonderful couples on the train lately. They are so beautiful. I can't wait for spring.

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