...Sandra and Liza are like me and tater at 13 years old wandering around modesto in our saturday outfits and with 10 bucks in our 'purses'...walking through their small universe together no matter how flat or vast or boring or commercial...they walk and talk and grow and learn to keep their eyes on various people in the streets...honing their survival instincts and bullshit / scam artist radars...occasionally a nerd in a red helmet will approach on bike and shorts and ask to take their photo and they will say yes because for the most part the female instinct and bullshit meter is spot on regardless of how young the female and they will recognize me as a lioness might recognize another non-threatening lioness circling her group, just scoping, twitching her tail...trust is a dangerous thing...and it seems like females across the bestial kingdom are constantly riding on or around the word and its reverberations...sandra and liza pulled out their cell phones to take note of my name. i hate cell phones in photos because i like to pretend that everything is timeless.
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