30 April 2010
29 April 2010
substitute sun
Bean Begins The 26th Year of Her Life

...some of us are bitches, some of us are bitchin' machines, some of us reside in the peanut gallery, some of us are disappointed easily, some of us miss home...she claims all of these a little bit but not as much as she would have us believe...i have always felt her to be less "BITCH!" than a puppy dog with great expectations and transparent emotions and as such deep, quick, disappointments...she covers all of this with a leather jacket and marlboro smoke but i know, and she knows, she's a bean sprout inside : roots in paris, sprigs in new york, and branches......ya veremos. grow baby girl, and drop the 'tude, 'cause we all know you're a peach...or at least, the ones who care, do.
Joyeux Anniversaire Mon Cacahuete! Or as I say in English: "joyeeu ann-ih-verr-sayree!"
24 April 2010

i didn't make eye contact and was glad the baby i was with was only able to concentrate on her ice cream.
a house for dan
22 April 2010
Dos Labios (Catch It, Callejeros...)
shaq P - the set uP
Nueba Jork, Ciudad Soltera

the sun is awfully lonely, i know this to be true -- in every remix of the phrase.
in a recent new yorker i read this and appropriated the sentiments communicated forth by one muriel spark
20 April 2010
there's something inside of you

exhibition desnuda
Hey Mark Steinmetz

Maria Poppins

we're rowing we're rowing, we're rowing /
less gently than quite violently /
upstream not down the stream /
quasi-merrily /
and yeah fine, life is kind of a dream.
so when she drops a stick on the ground and we're moving fast with her stroller i say "oh don't worry, you'll find another one." this relates to everything i want to be true about my life. other ones / another one / better than / again --- these are phrases familiar to some and frightening to others and i just live in fear most of the time, that there isn't another one.
and when she points out that my zipper's broken: "hara - zipper's broken - ZIPPER'S BROKEN!!!" it makes me a bit shaky because yes, the zipper is broken and so seems everything unfixable. can't even take my fucking jacket to the tailor and get a new fucking zipper. zipper's broken, baby.
and when i ask her ANYTHING - the answer is almost always one or many of the following, in any order : "mom. and dad. and olive. working. look 'hara airplane. moon. milk."
16 April 2010
best thing about the chelsea gallery scene last thursday
T.I. - I'm Sprung

...i like to stick my face in cat bellies and spring blossoms and then sneeze consecutively 34 times...it's worth it every time, be it cat belleh or tree blossom...inhale --- anything beats winter in new york and the non smell of snow and the routine of cold feet finger tips tip of nose...this winter was tough even on a warm heart...erm, especially, on a warm heart.
07 April 2010
Having Nothing To Do With Egg's Freezer

Me and Some Dude From Oslo

06 April 2010

essssssssssso carrrrrrrnal - i support this.
Miguel Ángel, Cubano...
Camo Lamb
La Leche
05 April 2010
Mister Four Five / (La Règle Du Jeu)

...and then there is this photo...this photo was sent to me from overseas and it is precious because i know and do not know this kid. i feel and do not feel this kid. i am all parts divided on this kid. i remember and i try to forget this kid. i recall and i repel this kid.
i take back and regift that which was received skeptically /
such high walls and so they were scaled /
too easy but who was fighting?
bah...i have no control over my memories and yet, as a point of reference, he has a stake in some of the more profound scenes that remain latent within me. and i know this kid has a gaze just as piercing today; it would imply knowledge of self, no? or is that a shield? ...the stillness and the pride twice as strong now, maybe...and i wonder who broke his heart or what he wanted to be then or who took the photo and if he's bald or fat or lame or brilliant and shiny and charming and brave and happy or just playing happy...if he builds things or fixes things or breaks things or cares for things and who he loves or if he does...and i guess...well, that is it - i wonder...this afterthought is still too much of me, or too much from me - either way, it's an afterthought in passing dressed as a birthday wish...these are the circumstances and the rules of 'tit for tat...'
i saw the kid's most beautiful face once, because no one else was watching, and right then and there - he turned himself into memory...
happy birthday, flaco - get yours.
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