25 June 2011

beauty and the show

i told suzy to bring cupid back from her 20 days in greece with la mamma. she said she wouldn't, but she did anyway; she can't help it.
here is the tiny one at her first new york solo show, 11 stone street, isle of manhattan. it was the best clusterfuck we ever attended post graduation in 2009. i held a baby who didn't squirm, didn't drink too much white wine, admired suzy's beauty (and the photos), talked some shit, tried to impress diego with my spanish (in english he pointed out a projection of mine), embraced la novia several times, watched my worlds colliding some more, walked in on the owner of the gallery pissing, etc. etc. etc. one mystical creature moved about in the distance, in and out of doors, out and about deck spaces; i thought it too beautiful to be straight, etc. etc. etc.
suzy's photos are a manifestation, no? from her creation we create within ourselves, like she said. we can go there, si señora...

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