26 March 2010

The 95 Herbert Street Girls

6 and 4. Pink and Pink. The kinds of kids who approach you without fear and touch your shirt and hair without really looking AT you, just sort of graze over you, like you were a new mountain with new flora and new fauna to poke at...and then, when you see them on Monday morning on the train platform with many overdressed 20-somethings nearby, their innocence is overwhelming to you in their yellow-lion-hooded-rain-coats...and when they recognize you it is a comfortable recognition and they barrel around you but without any regard TO you - even as you make awkward monday morning small talk with their equally comfortable father...this older terrain who has, clearly, for 6 and 4 years been trampled on and over and shaped by the hooves of these two beautiful, pink-haired-ponies.

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