22 April 2010

Nueba Jork, Ciudad Soltera

...won't really understand this photo for another 5 years or so. that's how it's been going, lately. slow to recognize, realize, or rasterize... at night and on the train alone or over bridges in the morning i love hardest. i like to think the other is riding somewhere, too, or that he is still dreaming, violently, of bears or losing teeth, in his own solitude...he is slow to understand that love is about protecting and nurturing the others' self - independence - solitude. the opposite is a horrible cliché of chains and balls and dumb white bread promises...i read the other day that memories fade but emotions remain. reading is at times a detriment to my um, emotions...

the sun is awfully lonely, i know this to be true -- in every remix of the phrase.

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