27 August 2009

Mikey: Down Under The Manhattan Bridge (Endless Slumber Party)

Mikey. Smeekies. Dr. Vague, PhD. Again with the double exposed roll, ahhh Borja...Of all the photos on the double exposed May-June rolls this is probably the only one that came with its own blog entry already written for it. It takes no creativity to just explain quite simply that Mikey, Mikey Magnet, Mikey Magnifico, Mikey Magnanimous Marvelous Magical... Mikey gets married in two Saturdays to the most beautiful girl in the world. I am not exaggerating. This blog entry is free of hyperbole and charged solely with sincerity and appreciation. She is the stuff of Bob Dylan songs, Garcia Marquez flights, Brooklyn lore, Titian's Venus...She, of course, is much more than beautiful. It begins with singular and divine, and ends with lettered y fuerte...And I know a million more things in between...Mikey is, too. There are some things I don't think any of us are ever 'ready' for, per sé...babies? lay offs? broken arm? death? and maybe marriage is one of those things...especially for my generation...it seems that we are seeking to find something MORE powerful than the word 'marriage' and minus the corny, traditional or broken and false connotations...there is only one word for this kind of union ('matrimony' and 'wedlock' should be shot)...but I think here that doesn't matter...they would shine together regardless, and if no such word exists to represent their particular style of love, living, joint freedom, naked cooking, kitten conjunction, etc etc etc... then they will invent one.

the rebirth of the word will come with how we live it.


See you soon. Will try not to cry.

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